Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The alchemy of attraction

The alchemy of attraction
Looking back over people you've dated or crushed on, what do they all have in common? Is there a particular physical type you go for, or is it something else like a wonderful laugh or a razor-sharp wit that they all share?

Recent research shows that men tend to find higher-pitched voices attractive, while women go for a deeper timbre in a man. Tell that to husky-voiced actresses like Demi Moore who made fantastically successful careers out of those smoky tones. The truth is, we all have those things that will trigger attraction - and it's definitely not the same for everyone.
It's more subtle than just being "a boob man" or women "loving a man that can make them laugh". Some people seem to seek out soul mates who are their mirror, with very similar looks, tastes and personalities. Others will date a series of seeming opposites - there are even possible biological reasons why tall men often seem to choose really short women.

So what's your subtle turn-on? Is it the strength of his hands, the way she smooths her hair out her eyes, or that sensuous bottom lip he doesn't even seem to know he has? And have you ever found yourself attracted to someone who goes against your usual type?

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